Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A crumb of my life

Hey hey. A whole new awesome blog space!

Me? a 26yo guy, nothing implausible about me.
Keeper of birds, dogs and fishes, an introvert and yet extrovert at times or when necessary.
One who loves to sit under the coconut tree, at the bench and wonder why the sky is blue at times.
Seeing sunrise with love ones would be a breathtaking sight.

Life has been kind for me :) Not much of roll coaster ride, slight bump on the butt and head.
Tried quite a number of things in life, even a little business that failed in 3 months. lol . Well, i would say i paid 3 months to enjoy the moments of being a boss :P Of coz there is many more to come.

One who used to have big goals and dreams, decided to look life from another angle and views.

14 June 2008, a relationship in my life ended.
Yes, if that is what you are thinking. This blog was registered a day after me and my girlfriend broke up.

Initially, i wanted to make use of this blog to burst out my sorrows, anger .....whatever.
10 days has passed, come to think about it. "what for?"

People asked:" 3 years, what happened?" 10 days ago, i would start to say once a upon.
Today if you ask me. I would say it just cant work out.

I am a torch of fire, always with passion of burning flame. She is a block of ice, always feeling cool. Could be the other way. The two different elements fire with water, at times wonders happened. Fire with water - a cup of nice warm water. But if fire rages, water dries up. At times you get a taste of peppermint – hot yet cooling. At times the melted ice will put out the fire. There is just too much, too much of differences and we both decided to put a stop. After all, river flows back to the sea and fire dies off after burning for sometime.

Anyway my purpose of this blog is not just for my love story, is an open diary- sharing some of my thoughts here and probably hope that anyone who is reading it could give me your point of views if you do not agree/agreed with what i have posted here :)

P.S. I got D grade for my English. Please do correct me too :P

Actually, i want to discuss about an article i read on The New Paper this morning but my eyes said they are tired. Signing off from here!

Tomorrow is Wed!! Oppss i should said today is wed already past midnight!

HUGS ! Good Night!

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