Friday, June 27, 2008

A next life ??

Dready life...anyway what does life means to you ?
Lets not go into this for now.

Drifting off from reality........................................................

What is your religion? Do they teach life after death or is there reincarnation ?

Me? Free thinker - open to all teaching and thinking.

If there is really reincarnation, i would really really wish that "God" or "someone" make a tree next life.

The altruism tree that stand in the sun, providing shade with his arms, embracing anyone.
No matter how scorching the sun is, he never complains.
People would sit under his shade and lean against his strong trunk.
He stood silently watching the sun rises till the sun set. When it rains, the rain water run down, cleansing off the dust and dirt on him. He never feel lonely and cold.
Till the very last moment, when people cut him down for fire wood. He still provided the last burning energy to people.

One that stand by the beach and sway in the wind.
One with no feelings and thoughts yet provided some much to others without complains.
Maybe tree cant speak that why no complain ? :P

Can opener - open cans, bottle opener - open bottles. Opener of life do not open life, think !?

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