Wednesday, July 2, 2008 me...

Last night I went drinking with group of friends, I never like alcohol in me...The feelings.

Something that is so common to me during the younger days but now i detest drinking. Well maybe a little is still acceptable, but nothing more ..(i still cant definite the amount). At times is just for the sake that is a happy occasion, everyone gather and drink. I alway feels that since is just for a happy occasion, a drink will be good but usually you start to see "shows" going on after that few glasses.

People start asking for more because they felt that is a happy occasion therefore is alright to drink more etc... I am sorry but especially when you see guys/ladies start to speak loudly if not they would start to talk about weird things, worst still they make a scene out of themselves around..Is that way to express happiness ?? oR is just ??

When even i drink i feels that my blood flows so much seems that the blood is resisting to the alcohol and the own body become so numb...Anyway it just dont feel good or make me happy, just wondering how do i felt when i drank last time? The worst thing the next day, you woke up with a heavy head, for those who are more fortune you enjoy sleep the whole day.

Those who have high tolerance to alcohol it might not be a good sign or good news to you. And if you are very particular about healthy food, in fact a can of beer or a shot of volka is just like popping a few teaspoon of butter into your mouth...:P

Anyway to lessen the chance of hangover, have a proper meal before drinking and munch through out the whole drinking session you should be safe and drinks plenty of water the next day! So why bother to diet when you love drinking..keke

I read it somewhere sometime ago that women is more prone to long term alcohol damages.

Google it!! GTG..

Hugzzz !! shall continue my job hopping tomorrow.!

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