Friday, July 11, 2008

A fisherman's day

Before i starting writing, i would like to say i hate fri, sat and sun. Its seems so hard to get over these days. After 1 months and yet that sucky feeling is still around. WHY!

Yesterday i cycled to paris ris beach, stood by the side of shore. There was this uncle who is catching fishes using a net at the beach. Something then strike my mind... Two years ago exactly this date, I read about this book - The Why Are You Here Cafe, the author is John P.Strelecky. The book wrote about a guy who lost his way when driving and he came to this cafe named Why are you here cafe, in a isolated area.

The owner of the cafe helps John to see his purposes in life.I will not make a summary if you are interested, you can buy it off shelf or borrow it from me. There is a part where the book wrote about a fisherman and a business man.

Let me buy myself sometime i am going out, be writing this when i am back.


Anonymous said...

Maybe I shall scout for that book. Then again, I hardly have the time to do anything now, let alone read.

Enjoy your weekends.

I still have to work on Sat.


Thomas Goh said...

Lol. We all have equal hours of time. Priority is important, take care of your baby he is your book. :) For you i can tell the story to u .

Enjoy working on weekend. :D keke

Anonymous said...

Ok tell me the story sometime. Heh.

Btw I LOVE David Cook's version of Always Be My Baby. Awesome.