Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Meeting up

Met up my mum yesterday evening, for those who do not know. She is a divorcee, of course with my dad. 19years........... Recent years, we got in touch and met up a couple of times.

Life is just obstacles and challenges every single day we live on. We spoke and she has some problems that she is facing, well is not much of monetary issues(would be easier if it is money, almost everyone is dying for money, cant understand Y...)
Spoke to and advise her a little, after our conversation I realise her "mentality" is just like my dad.. i wondered why they divorce but is not my concern. Somehow or rather, my evil thought starts thinking why not i match make them together back, anyway 49 and 46 years old is not that old to remarry..Haha..
Both did not remarry to others, yet they still asking me about each other....Hmm.....Only if i can put them together it will be easier to manage. Hahahaha

There is a singer/actor (cant remember her name) ever said :" Life is a sad song but still sings the beauty for their loved ones. " How true..

Our meet up refreshs something :
- Life is not about looking backward is to see what lies in the future right ?(saying is always easier than doin it.)

Last night just before i sleep, i have learnt something. I still do not know how to decipher it into works Just so amazing...


Anonymous said...

I wonder what your 'before sleep' thought was.

And perhaps you might wanna try 'matchmaking' your parents. Heh.

Thomas Goh said...

I still do not know how to put that words into thoughts but seriously these days have been real amazing