Monday, December 15, 2008

:D :) :P :S :X

Hey hey.

Dear Blog, do you miss me..
Ctrl + C, Ctrl+V = Rubbish

YOU TO ME ARE EVERYTHINGI would take the stars out of the sky for youStop the rain from falling if you asked me to.I'd do anything for youyour wish is my commandI could move a mountain when your hand is in my hand.Words cannot express how much you mean to me.There must be some other way to make you see.If it takes my heart and soulyou know I'd pay the price.Everything that I possess I'd gladly sacrifice.Oh you to me are everythingThe sweetest song that I could singOh babyOh babyTo you I guess I'm just a clownWho picks you up each time you're downOh babyOh babyYou give me just a taste of loveTo build my hopes upon.You know you've got the power girlTo keep me holding on.So now you've got the best of meCome on and take the rest of meOh babyThough you're close to mewe seem so far apart.Maybe given time you'll have a change of heart.If it takes forevergirl then I'm prepared to wait.The day you give your love to me won't be a day too lateOh you to me are everything.The sweetest song that I could sing.Oh babyOh babyTo you I guess I'm just a clownWho picks you up each time you're downOh babyOh babyYou give me just a taste of loveTo build my hopes upon.You know you've got the power girlTo keep me holding on.So now you've got the best of meCome on and take the rest of meOh babyOh you to me are everything.the sweetest song that I could sing.(Your the sweetest song that I could sing.)Oh baby (oh baby)Oh baby (yes I need you baby)You to me are everything.The sweetest song that I could sing.Oh baby (you are everything to me)Oh baby (cant you see)You to me are everything.The sweetest song that I could sing.(Your the sweetest song that I could sing.)Oh babyOh baby (you're everything)You to me are everything.The sweetest song that I could sing.Oh babyOh baby (your the sweetest song)You to me are everything.The sweetest song that I could sing.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hey Hey,

has been awhile again. Actually Thomas got a posting half written saved in my drafts, waiting for completion.

Anyway today Thomas read an article online by this lady Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
Something that she said makes Him LOL for awhile.

"When the wife does not focus in on the needs and the feelings, sexually, personally, to make him feel like a man, to make him feel like a success, to make him feel like her hero, he’s very susceptible to the charm of some other woman making him feel what he needs"

Dont ask him why....Doubt he know why...

Hugzzz !!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

101010 - 10 Oct 2010

Hey hey,

Tuesday Night!! Got a little boring and was looking at my friend's wedding pics..Suddenly something weird just pop out of my mind.


1 Only, 1 in Once a life time, 1 Ocassion... Wedding Planner ??©
Start your booking now...Only 30% deposit when you make your booking before 2008!

LoL just cant stop rubbish from invading my mind.......


Sunday, October 12, 2008

An intellectual blog

Hey hey everyone,

I realise my opener of life, looks a bit crappy and "messy"...

Guess I should revamp here and make it more intellectual rather than a scrap book...
First thing to do...remove that thai mtv which i one understand till date.(I guess) Anyway it said about a girl having this sad relationship and as usually ........the song goes......

Give your view.. :D


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It seems that....

It seems that.... Thomas has less things to write nowadays..... nothing nothing totally nothing can pop out of his mind.Is it good or bad?

Anyway Thomas read a few articles where people said that life is bad or hard.. even spoke to people saying that life is bad or hard. Some might read writeup to encourage or motivate people saying that we must think positive. Nothing but the truth.
Life is gonna be as bad or as hard, the way you think it is... You choose it and is your choice.
Life is not hard to go on, no matter hard so long you still carry on living that's life. Thomas is not saying you should end it but life is a something blank book. It record what you wrote in it. If you filled with misery and saddness, that is what you choose and it will be that way. When ever you open the book is what you have inscribe down there.

We cant deny the fact that no one can enjoy a perfect story with happily ever after cause life is never about a smooth riding. But with a happy and healthy mindset, it definitely make your life better. Probably i cant be a good example cause everyone have some of their untold story but you can have some opinion.

Another page in my life has start moving in Oct, still trying hard to scribble something. It is going to be something in my life. :D

It looks like there is many grammar mistake and spelling error on this page?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

In search of myself

I realise something we cant know who we are. But we can be what we want.
So i am not going to search myself anymore, we are not product that we are produce or customize to a certain function. Our life is what we want.
Our life is a perfect reflection of our belief although sometime is not exactly the way..

Some if one day some one were to ask me to be myself, probably i will ask for a model number then.

If i continue to search on, i will never be able to find it.

Hugzzz!!! Good Nite !!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Just another day

Has been awhile since Thomas laid his finger on the keyboard and start typing here.
Today again a pretty cold day, he is confused over some stuff that happen over this 2 weeks.
Pardon him, thai is not his mother tongue but the posting is to limit the reader so :P

เหมือน ผมพูด นี้ สอง อาทิตย์ เป็นบ๊อง
ผม ใช้เงิน ก๊ง เลย
ไม่ชอบเท่าไร เป็น ยุติธรรม ไม่ ผม
คงเป็น ท่าน ผม เหมือน ท่าน ยิ้ม
ผม เคลิบเคลิ้ม ข้าง เด็กผู้หญิง ยิ้ม ยุติธรรม ความอบอุ่น ผม กมล
มาก ผม

crap....i dont know how to continue anymore.

ฝึกหัด first then ขีด some more.....

Total madness and insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ying Gwah Sia Jai - So Sad

Lust ??

So Sad

เสียแรงที่รัก เสียแรงที่ไว้ใจ ไม่นึกว่าจะทำได้ลงคอ
ช่วยตอบสักคำ ทำไมไม่รู้จักพอ ทำไม ใจเธอถมไม่เคยเต็ม
เสียแรงที่หวง เสียแรงที่ทุ่มเท
เธอทำอย่างนี้ ฉันจะมองหน้าใครได้
ไม่เห็นกับตา ก็คงไม่เชื่อ
ไม่เจอกับตัว คงโง่ไปอีกนาน
ถ้าแม้วันนี้ เราต้องตายจากกันไป
ยังไม่เสียใจ เท่านี้เลย
เสียแรงที่หวง เสียแรงที่ทุ่มเท
เธอทำอย่างนี้ ฉันจะมองหน้าใครได้
ที่เสียน้ำตาวันนี้ ไม่ใช่เพราะเธอทิ้งฉันไป
ถ้าแม้วันนี้ เราต้องตายจากกันไป
ยังไม่เสียใจ เท่านี้เลย
ถ้าแม้วันนี้ เราต้องตายจากกันไป
ยังไม่เสียใจ เท่านี้เลย

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Why there is no posting .??..??

Cause the "ling gan" is not there. >.<

Friday, August 8, 2008

Today is friday


Today Thomas realised that he failed....and he make the same mistake again and again including this time through his life. He never learn his lesson from the past.... he should stood by what he said some years ago....

Damn....Sorry just mood swing :X

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Success?? Successful

Thomas read some article posted online asking what does successful in life means to you?

Some said happy and contented, some have x amount of money by x much more.
Those who said to be contented with what you have now? Are u really contended ?

But what is it to u?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My living art.. How to be soo devoted?

Hey hey,
05 Aug...
Was clearing junks in pc and disc... and saw some of my older pictures.Thomas realised how devoted he could be last time. This is his planted tank, his living art. Why he could manage such a tank last time. Do you know is really a hassle to "create" such a tank, the time and money you gonna put on it....

Hmm...Thomas is wondering why he could be such devoted last time, where is the guy that is patient and determined guy gone to ?

He is doing up his nice resume now..
Good Nitez...Hugzzz!!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thomas misses her

Thomas is no longer poignant...
Thomas just want to say he misses the person in the picture.
Yes, Thomas can't get over it but who can, if it is true love for these 3 years.
The longest relationship that Thomas had.
One genuine relationship.
Do not ask Thomas to stop thinking, do not ask Thomas to forget her.
Everyday 2-3 days, he would see her in his dreams.
How are you going to forget someone whom you share your woes and happiness for 3 years, even people that Thomas knew for a few days he never forgets.

Yes, Thomas got to move on, but definitely is not just a matter of an on/off switch.

Thomas's friend said he is nostalgic and sentimental....
Thomas might be sentimental but he is not nostalgic.
Thomas is yearning for a fruitful journey, but he never regrets this break up.

Like what James Blunt sang.

You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer but when I wake,You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,Remember us and all we used to be.
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

But Thomas will live without her :P

Let this blog mark down Thomas's feeling and memories for today.
Thomas do not hide his feeling.
Thomas is not afraid that people will mock at him.
Thomas misses her.

Good Nitez. Hugzzz..!!!

Thomas Goh Got His Facebook Up

A lot of people asking where is Thomas's facebook now, last time, always...Now is up but Thomas did not really add any pics or details in there Soooooo :D add me

Anyway Thomas got a new cut hair today, feeling so good about it :P Maybe because is more expensive than his usual cut? Errr..... last time with this amount i can cut 5 time :P

Very busy, loitering around today.... :D

Good Nitez. Hugzzz!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What is what......

Hey hey. Wat sup ppl, been awhile since i type here....Today 29 July coming to a month of my shackling period. I would not said i waste 1 month because that was in my plan.. Shackling all the way, stop my mind from fucnction awhile.
Last week was a busy week but yet a fruitful week.Anyone watch that channel 8 or channel U show " Qiang tan dai xin dong". Where celebrity hosts and professional chief helps food stall owner to become skilled at cooking, pointing our their problems for the poor business etc.
I ran a "Qiang tan dai xin dong" for my friend's shop last week. His shop was in a mess, stocks everywhere not organize, dust here and there. Is not welcoming for customers at all, even as a friends i do not even feel welcoming to walk into his shop.
As usual when you ask what happened ? Why in such a mess.... ? Most common excuses - busy, no time.
1 whole week shifting his shelves. Organize, rearrange some of his stocks. He actually intend to build some new shelves but i said no the idea is to make use of current resources to bring in more revenue, I even made him to work on his non operating day. Everything completed on Sat, i hung around to see respond, was a success to me. Regular customers ask if he expanded his business why the shop look bigger and seems to have more variety of stocks. Supplier came down and thought he got his stock from other people why suddenly it seems that is so well stocked. Basically everything is his old stocks just some shifting and rearrangment.

Asked me about it. The satisfaction? Very. I even did some sales for him on Sat and get to know this sweet couple there. So lovely( Envy because i just broke up??) :D His suppliers and regulars ask me how much he paid me. Jokingly i said he cant afford to hire me and i did it out of good will. But i felt so happy and i told him i would feel better walking into shop. :D

Some friends asking me so when am i starting to find a new job. Blessing in disguise, maybe because the sunken relationship family memebers did not ask me anything about my new job or when am i starting one..So happy.. I do have a couple of offering this month thru friends, ex colleagues, there is even one that offers quite an attractive package( so far the highest offer i ever got) but i do not want to work for a job. It will never last. I want something that i will never have a peak(usually is a downtrend after the peak) or a stopping. It must be something up up and up all the way,so i could maintain my learning attitude and passion in the job. Hard to please right? That's human, faced the fact.
To venture into something i am interested? I tried but it seems that people criticize about it asking the prospect etc.... Some time i really wonder what people meant by prospect....Again human are hard to please. Well next posting i should be ending the charter of this blog. I am too busy to write now. Busy with sleeping and enjoying my silent night.

Anyway today i read a couple of article from AsiaOne site, pretty interesting.

One of it wrote about this girl 25yo about her 50boyfriends and the mercs she has... Again i do not understand why people denounce her actions and criticize her too... I am one that has a pretty old school and conservative person but i admire this girl...Think of it, nowadays isn't most of the girls are just like what she is just that she outshine or i would said "more" than what normal girls does. Is it due to the "red eyes effect" of what she is having?
Well these days is not like my grandparents' time once you are in a relationship most likey you will married him or her...
Talking about moral issues, is there any? She just mutiple the numbers of what others is doing. Open up and tell people about it.
I read about people comments in forum talking about her, at times when i talk i don use my brain yes but i realise most people posted their comment without using their brains. One posted something that she did when she was a teen( i don know how true) but i guess most of the teens do it nowadays.
How many people really understand that families do affect a child many? People always said things about attention seekers but how many do really understand how an attention seekers feels, does he/her do it out of fun?

Well again, we human, animal with thoughts and many many more are just hard to please......Be your own judge, take it easy. Anyway is nothing of our concern, unless i am the number XX which is highly likely not possible. Keke cause i got nothing.

Heres the link, enjoy reading.

Another interesting article, which makes my eyes go blink blink, my head go shake shake..

Internet nowadays are soooooooooooooooooooo astonishing

Good Nitez...Hugzzz!!!
P.S see if i am lesser busier tomorrow i will post the last chapter..Just realise it's a pretty wrong post today. Mistake - keep story short and sweet( that why i also failed to do summary in school :P )

Friday, July 18, 2008

Falling in love with her..

Her rosy cheek with the sweet smile....
Her glowing eyes trying to tell me something...
Her little red lips is so eye catching...

The way she display herself was so dazzling, her action, her movement so graceful .
The feeling is so strong that i could not help myself but to fall in love with her...
Although i seen her only twice, but but i simply want to have her with me...

I cant wait any more, i must act before some men gets to her.

Now she is with me...................
My new babe !!! An indonesia red aro (Yuda) ...hahaha..
How lame i am? Very i would said. :P BTW there isn't such words as lame right?
LAME is a term used in some encoding i think...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Today is WED and ......

I am having that sulky feeling........

Not sure is it because one of my friends broke up with her bf and she spoke to me about it today. Resulting in my mood swing now....

Well well well..........

Anyway i been up to Singapore Flyer twice, but wondering when would i get to board this "mini flyer in E hub, Pasir Ris downtown east..

Last time when i passes by this hoping that the 1st person who boarded Singapore Flyer with me, can try this with me but seems kinda of too late now. well well well well.
Now.... thinking hard when will i be trying it..and with who? My friends seem not very interested to try new things...

Haha whats with me and the well well well well.....

Good to the night....Hugzzz !!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why work-life balance is important

Hey hey.

See how cool life is... when i ask for a downpour, its drizzle. Today i asked for a sunny day but heavy downpour.. Anyway i like it the both way.

Today I read an article by Ms Joanne Chua. Joanne Chua is the manager of Robert Walters Singapore - Human Resources Specialist recruitment division.
Why i choose to write this here because .... hopefully to pass the "messages" to some of my friends or people who did not have the chance to read the article.
Anyway i guess those that always do not have time or are always busy, would not even read what I am writing here. :P Pass the messages across to your friends if they are one of them.

Ms Chua mentions that as an employee, is necessary to understand the impact of imbalanced lifestyle.

What happens when work takes over your life.
1. You feel less fulfilled
When your life gets thrown off balance, you start having doubts about work and may find yourself asking if is exactly the kind of life you want. You will feel that is harder to meet the increasing demands of work and life and time is never enough. Feel frustrated and confused because you have not only lost control of your life, you are unable to see an exit to the situation.
She said hence is important for people to have equal enjoyment in the other aspect of life to maintain a healthy equilibrium.
2. You suffer from fatigue
When work begins to take priority over other aspects of your life, you take away time needed for you to rest and unwind. You will start to burn yourself out in the long run, damaging your body more than you realise. Leading to stress, migraines, etc....Eventually ending up feeling even more stressed than ever, create a ripple effect that spills over personal lives and relationships.
3.You have no time for anyone or anything else
You only have 24hours in a day. Spending more time at work naturally means you would have less time with other people. When you do not manage your time well, you will find yourself too exhausted to do anything else, absented yourself from occasions which seek your time and attention. As work demands eat away your leisure time, resentment and aversion start to build up. Many people do not see it. You may even be easily annoyed or irritated by friends and family as you feel that they do not understand what you are going through. Over time the quality of relationships with you loved ones would undoubtedly deteriorate.

What can you do to restore the balance.
- Learn to gain control of your life y sticking to one task at a time.
- Instead of trying to do everything at once, switching between tasks, priorities and work on the more important tasks first, spreading the rest of the work over a manageable timeline.
- Taking time off helps you to recharge and gets you prepared for further challenges at work.

Ms Chua mentions that is not easy to achieve work-life balance nowadays as people are constantly pushed to work faster and harder. However the challenge is to take a proactive stance and do something with your life before is too late.

Roberts Walters is a leading global recruitment consultancy specialising in placing high calibre professionals into permanent, contract and temp positions at all management levels.

Is really a great article from MS Chua. I would said time management is a really important in life. Is not easy to manage time, but is possible. Even an unemployed person like me would find that is hard to manage time. Just like right now i got to sign off this posting otherwise i will be late for my meeting. I would also wish that time would not go so fast at least i could write another posting. But that is life and that is time.

Hope that i would have time to write tonight. Have a good evening.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fisherman's day 2

Good evening! Wasted almost a whole day doing .....nothing ?
To share my joy, this afternoon postman came beeping outside my gate there is a registered mail, signed as usual. It a letter for $30 voucher and there is another letter for me. From my previous employee and it is a payslip. Guess what, after i quited the company i will still be getting my flexible bonus!! LOL how wonderful life is...although is not a vast sum but it does make me feel delighted.

Anyway back to yesterday topic - fisherman.
In one of the part, there is this story about a fisherman and a business man. Not sure if anyone heard this before.
These is this business man who went for a "recharge" trip in a rural village and he saw this fisherman who is easily contented and seems to be very happy all the while. So he approached him and asked the fisherman. "Sir, what do you do for a living and what else you does beside fishing." So the fisherman told him, he loving fishing every morning he will have his breakfast with their children and he will go fishing when the children is out for school. When he have enough fishes, he will pack up and go home, they will prepare for dinner. When the sun set, he will have a scroll with the family at the beach. So the businessman ask him why he do not fish more and sell it to make money so he could have enough money for retirement, to do things that he enjoyed doing. Fisherman asked the business man:"So what i should do during my retirement? Is it to have meals with the family, scrolling on the beach with my wife and to fish everyday because i love fishing? "
The fisherman walked off, smiling to the business man.

From my point of view, this part of the story tells me. The business man has been thinking of making enough money for retirement but yet at the same time he neglected something he could look upon in life beside making money.

These years down the road, i thinking i am becoming like the fisherman, i am easily contented with things. I dropped my big dreams and goals, so would said i lose my goals some would said i am too easily contented. Some would said i should be ambitious. Everyone have an opinon on what i think.

At the same time, I became a melancholic person because the environment, the people around condemned my thinking. I thought is just blissful to be simple, is money that important? Is really owning a car that important? Is staying in a landed property?

I guessed a lot of people would want to be that fisherman but due to the environment that we are in we are forced to become a "business man". Our level of commitment, our lifestyles, almost everything we do is a big deal to us.

The author lives in Orlanda, Florida where my brother is now. I am going to find out from him how is the life of the people there.

Back to the topic, this few days although I told myself i should emptied out my mind but some stuffs just kept pondering in my head non stop.I will have another side of the coin to show.....
Whether to be a fisherman or business man, is everyone's choice. Is very individual. There is no right or wrong but do share your views with me.

Good Night! Hugzzz !!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

A fisherman's day

Before i starting writing, i would like to say i hate fri, sat and sun. Its seems so hard to get over these days. After 1 months and yet that sucky feeling is still around. WHY!

Yesterday i cycled to paris ris beach, stood by the side of shore. There was this uncle who is catching fishes using a net at the beach. Something then strike my mind... Two years ago exactly this date, I read about this book - The Why Are You Here Cafe, the author is John P.Strelecky. The book wrote about a guy who lost his way when driving and he came to this cafe named Why are you here cafe, in a isolated area.

The owner of the cafe helps John to see his purposes in life.I will not make a summary if you are interested, you can buy it off shelf or borrow it from me. There is a part where the book wrote about a fisherman and a business man.

Let me buy myself sometime i am going out, be writing this when i am back.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Something light on the menu

Always on heavy topics, let's have some thing light now :P To fulfill those ppl who needs some visualization while reading.

Tiny - one of my "babies" at home. He hatched to this world on 24 April 2008.
He is a lover bird, got his parents and managed to have Tiny coming to this world
29 April
He is out for a couple of days somemore eggs around him. The pictures is not very clear but i guess you could figure out something there.
Thats his mum, taken at night. His mum trying to "protect" him.

11 May - sticking his head out of the nest box.

15 May - Green feathers starts "popping" out.

27 May - ready to fly ?

Dinner time!! for me and them!!

Meeting up

Met up my mum yesterday evening, for those who do not know. She is a divorcee, of course with my dad. 19years........... Recent years, we got in touch and met up a couple of times.

Life is just obstacles and challenges every single day we live on. We spoke and she has some problems that she is facing, well is not much of monetary issues(would be easier if it is money, almost everyone is dying for money, cant understand Y...)
Spoke to and advise her a little, after our conversation I realise her "mentality" is just like my dad.. i wondered why they divorce but is not my concern. Somehow or rather, my evil thought starts thinking why not i match make them together back, anyway 49 and 46 years old is not that old to remarry..Haha..
Both did not remarry to others, yet they still asking me about each other....Hmm.....Only if i can put them together it will be easier to manage. Hahahaha

There is a singer/actor (cant remember her name) ever said :" Life is a sad song but still sings the beauty for their loved ones. " How true..

Our meet up refreshs something :
- Life is not about looking backward is to see what lies in the future right ?(saying is always easier than doin it.)

Last night just before i sleep, i have learnt something. I still do not know how to decipher it into works Just so amazing...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Drizzling ...

Hey hey, welcome back!

Overhauled my bicycle, total damage - S$111, got a dollar discount thru :P

It did not pour but it did drizzle a little. Although is not heavy enough to even wet my clothes but it managed to shower my heart with that wonderful indescribable feeling... just like ...

To think back life is so ridiculously astonishing. Really... think think think..and i got feedback no visual effect on my blog!! Give me sometime, will put up what is requested!

Bath Time !!

Good Nitez. Hugzzz !!!

Bad weather, cool mood

Seems like is going to rain at the east side....been so long i ever cycle in the rain. I really hope it will rain when i am cycling back later....

The feeling, the mood is so wonderful and it has been so long so long.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Alcohol again ?

LOL. I just let my body resist alcohol again just now....Just came back from another drinking session with a friend.., still managable to write this blog :P

One who detest alcohol have being "on" it for twice a week..
Don misunderstood.... i am not "jie ju siao chou" i also never believe in that, just happened that so happened that....

LOL...zzzz already.

Good Night!! Hugzzz!!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

In life, you got to learn to get what you want, YOURSELF !!

In life, you got to learn to get what you want, YOURSELF !!

Friday, July 4, 2008

I cried....

I cried....when i was running down my memory lane..
Yes i shed my tears for a broken relationship today. I thought i would never but after 3 weeks...
Was tidying my room today and there it goes.

Lol ..the feeling of losing a love one..
That's life...Part and parcel of life.

Anyway Good Nite.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Job hopping 2

Well, was half way through on 1 july topic - job hopping.

I was saying job hopping, isn't something bad. Maybe you could said that that what i think, but exactly thats what i think and thats why i choose it to be this way. I just cant think this way and pick up your doing, am i right?

Why i said that is not something bad.
As time goes, things get monotonous in your job. U force yourself to step out of the bed every morning, dragging your feet to work. Where is the passion and enthusiasm you show have when you are at the job for the first few days ?
Of course not everyone felt that where in their job but generally seeing people around me - thats the usual case all this years.

Most of us would said because of commitment, car loans, housing loan, daily needs they would need to stay on for the job and i totally agreed! In this realistic world, we face such dilemma unless U are so damn loaded. Well even U are so loaded, U face what the "loaded" face. Higher car loans, higher housing loans, higher daily needs??

To me, still pretty lucky at this age, not much of commitment or liability except my "babies" at home and some other personal bills. Being employed in a job, is not just being paid, is also about learning new stuffs new environment and new "challenge"

I just cant stick with something that I am going to do repeatedly for (2160hrs) a year, but seriously speaking I really admired people who can do it for like 2160hrs times x number of years.
I would think that constantly changing would bring U to another curve in life be it learning curve or passion in the job. Some would said that job hopping would not be pleasant when you submit your resume to new employer if U ask me I would said is perfectly fine and alright. Oh course most of the time employer would prefer to have a “loyal” employer, BUT if your resume shows and states clearly what you have achieved and your contribution for the past employer. I do not see why there is much of an issue.
As an employer I would want someone that contributes to my company if you are able to give results in a year rather that those who has been around for 10years and not even been giving enough. Why not? Put your resume that way it helps J Focus more on the positive side of your past jobs and not things like because I find that this superior do not like me so I switch a job..Etc...Please do not take it as lying to a stranger …what I meant is put down concrete stuff.
In short, job hopping = not sure of what kind of job suits you.In short, job hopping = helps to maintain a passion and certain level of enthusiasm
A lot of our employers know that we are all tied down with commitment therefore :D
Those employers that manage to keep job hoppers in a job for a long time, I must say that either this person is suddenly committed into tons of liability or the employers said the needs in this person.

I am not encouraging job hopping, but would just like to share how to see and how I felt about job hopping.
Everyone choose their way of living and their style of doing things. Life = no right/no wrong.Do it at your best way.
Do give me your comments if u strongly object my way of thinking, so I could discover more in life.

P.s i am so amazing by the amount of crap i wrote. :P

Wednesday, July 2, 2008 me...

Last night I went drinking with group of friends, I never like alcohol in me...The feelings.

Something that is so common to me during the younger days but now i detest drinking. Well maybe a little is still acceptable, but nothing more ..(i still cant definite the amount). At times is just for the sake that is a happy occasion, everyone gather and drink. I alway feels that since is just for a happy occasion, a drink will be good but usually you start to see "shows" going on after that few glasses.

People start asking for more because they felt that is a happy occasion therefore is alright to drink more etc... I am sorry but especially when you see guys/ladies start to speak loudly if not they would start to talk about weird things, worst still they make a scene out of themselves around..Is that way to express happiness ?? oR is just ??

When even i drink i feels that my blood flows so much seems that the blood is resisting to the alcohol and the own body become so numb...Anyway it just dont feel good or make me happy, just wondering how do i felt when i drank last time? The worst thing the next day, you woke up with a heavy head, for those who are more fortune you enjoy sleep the whole day.

Those who have high tolerance to alcohol it might not be a good sign or good news to you. And if you are very particular about healthy food, in fact a can of beer or a shot of volka is just like popping a few teaspoon of butter into your mouth...:P

Anyway to lessen the chance of hangover, have a proper meal before drinking and munch through out the whole drinking session you should be safe and drinks plenty of water the next day! So why bother to diet when you love drinking..keke

I read it somewhere sometime ago that women is more prone to long term alcohol damages.

Google it!! GTG..

Hugzzz !! shall continue my job hopping tomorrow.!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Job hopping

To people who is some distances away from me, tomorrow is the beginning of my job hopping expedition. Yes today is my last day at work(in office not much of work).

Is there such words as hopping ?

Anyway from tomorrow onwards, i will be jobless. Please do not get it wrong is jobless- unwaged, not worthless or useless.

Asked me. Why don't U get a new job then quit the current. We are always caught in such situations, dont we? U got invited for an interview, the new employer decided to take U in and they entice U with a little more benefits than what U are having now, because U want to leave and U just jump into the new job.

Maybe i am stereotyping but by and large i believe a lot of us met such situation before.

What's your view on people who job hop or job hopping?
Me? I think job hopping is definitely not something bad.Why ?
If U look from what I see U might discovered something new :D Maybe?

I will update this on the next post, gonna prepare a farewell mail to my company and people who have been rowing this boat with me.



Good Morning, 1more mins to 12noon. But by the time i post should be Good Afternoon already.

Anyway where were we yesterday night?

How does this void came about? Not sure.
Talking about how to "eliminate" the Void? Not sure.

Some suggested that to be able to step up of old relationship, you must engaged into a new relationship to forget the old one. What say U?

Me said...Why it gonna be that way??

Eventually what you can't forget is the person, the things you used to do so starting a new relationship you might be doing new things, change a little of your lifestyles..etc.

Kewl !!...back from lunch...stretched...2hours lunch.

Anyway i am not saying that this new person will substitute the old memories/person.
We need to move on, of course if possible get involve in a relationship. But but understanding yourself is more important rather then getting involved blindly again, by changing and replacing again and again. Don't you find that it becomes a habit and this cycle never stop and eventually you ended up no where?

So biased but its not gonna work on me. Imagine what i want is an apple, but apple is out of stock. Come by an orange, U try and it does not suit U so you try a pear, neither it goes well. Afterall is just a never ending cycle till you are so tired of trying and you ended to have a watermelon or grape which is something just so far from what U want and try to make do with it.

Think! How many times such things happen to U, maybe not U maybe someone else. After rummpage around, unintentionally U have create so many void to others :P There is people saying that the "trend" or the In things to do now, everyone is doing that - nothing wrong.

At least to me, things do not work that way. Obstinate? Nope just my belief, my way and my view. Everytime I go in, I strike hard. Either I win or I will drop die.Of course there is no win or lose in a relationship, No is not a game or challenge is just something I believe! Be true to Urself, be true to others, on the other hand the truth alway hurts.

Once again, what I mention is what i believe and what i preached. Endless debates makes my brain works, curiosity is always in me.

Seriously if U ask me, relationship is nothing worth pondering about because is just not as simple as what i related as apple, orange or pear. There is no right or wrong, there is no formula or SOP. Is just what comes may, in life there is just too much of grayness but these grayness is the things that keep life always exciting and always ready to discover what lies between.

I am wondering where is my apple? or i have become an orange in the process?

Talking about this I saw a Peugeot 207 and its rings my bell about a friend of mine.


Thomas VOID

Seems that my new obsession/addiction is does not filled up this void........

Void - extracted by wiki
In astromy, voids are the empty spaces between filaments.
Void - Emptiness, empty spaces.

This Void seems so strong, stronger than what i could imagine.But has anyone wondered what/who creates this emptiness or is it just something that always occur in thinking animal - thoughts.

Some suggested is just emptiness in individual, some said is a habit that you are missing of...Some said to "replace" this void you would need someone to do it, some said keep yourself busier than ever... I say......

HUGS!! Good Night will continue tomorrow morning. Kinda of sleepy :P

Friday, June 27, 2008

A next life ??

Dready life...anyway what does life means to you ?
Lets not go into this for now.

Drifting off from reality........................................................

What is your religion? Do they teach life after death or is there reincarnation ?

Me? Free thinker - open to all teaching and thinking.

If there is really reincarnation, i would really really wish that "God" or "someone" make a tree next life.

The altruism tree that stand in the sun, providing shade with his arms, embracing anyone.
No matter how scorching the sun is, he never complains.
People would sit under his shade and lean against his strong trunk.
He stood silently watching the sun rises till the sun set. When it rains, the rain water run down, cleansing off the dust and dirt on him. He never feel lonely and cold.
Till the very last moment, when people cut him down for fire wood. He still provided the last burning energy to people.

One that stand by the beach and sway in the wind.
One with no feelings and thoughts yet provided some much to others without complains.
Maybe tree cant speak that why no complain ? :P

Can opener - open cans, bottle opener - open bottles. Opener of life do not open life, think !?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Newpaper article

Last night spent too much time on my new addication therefore no output here :P

Anyway i read the article again last night and this morning. I realised the subject has argued/ discuss for so many time and eventually there is no constructive comments and usually ended up with ugly debate.

So i decided not to put it up here :P

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A crumb of my life

Hey hey. A whole new awesome blog space!

Me? a 26yo guy, nothing implausible about me.
Keeper of birds, dogs and fishes, an introvert and yet extrovert at times or when necessary.
One who loves to sit under the coconut tree, at the bench and wonder why the sky is blue at times.
Seeing sunrise with love ones would be a breathtaking sight.

Life has been kind for me :) Not much of roll coaster ride, slight bump on the butt and head.
Tried quite a number of things in life, even a little business that failed in 3 months. lol . Well, i would say i paid 3 months to enjoy the moments of being a boss :P Of coz there is many more to come.

One who used to have big goals and dreams, decided to look life from another angle and views.

14 June 2008, a relationship in my life ended.
Yes, if that is what you are thinking. This blog was registered a day after me and my girlfriend broke up.

Initially, i wanted to make use of this blog to burst out my sorrows, anger .....whatever.
10 days has passed, come to think about it. "what for?"

People asked:" 3 years, what happened?" 10 days ago, i would start to say once a upon.
Today if you ask me. I would say it just cant work out.

I am a torch of fire, always with passion of burning flame. She is a block of ice, always feeling cool. Could be the other way. The two different elements fire with water, at times wonders happened. Fire with water - a cup of nice warm water. But if fire rages, water dries up. At times you get a taste of peppermint – hot yet cooling. At times the melted ice will put out the fire. There is just too much, too much of differences and we both decided to put a stop. After all, river flows back to the sea and fire dies off after burning for sometime.

Anyway my purpose of this blog is not just for my love story, is an open diary- sharing some of my thoughts here and probably hope that anyone who is reading it could give me your point of views if you do not agree/agreed with what i have posted here :)

P.S. I got D grade for my English. Please do correct me too :P

Actually, i want to discuss about an article i read on The New Paper this morning but my eyes said they are tired. Signing off from here!

Tomorrow is Wed!! Oppss i should said today is wed already past midnight!

HUGS ! Good Night!

Monday, June 16, 2008